

A strongman had a trick to show his strength off. He would go into a bar, ask for a lemon, then squeeze all the juice out with one hand. Then he challenged anyone to come forward and prove they were stronger, by being able to squeeze any additional juice out of the crushed lemon. No man was able to do it. But one day, an unassuming man in a suit came in and accepted the challenge. He didn't look very athletic, and so the people were a bit puzzled. First the strongman squeezed the lemon. Once he had squeezed what he thought was every last ounce of juice out of the fruit, he handed the crushed lemon to the challenger and said, "Beat that!" The man in the suit, took the lemon, held it over a glass and as the crowd watched was able to squeeze another half glass out of that lemon. The strongman conceded defeat, the crowd politely clapped, someone approached the man and said, "That was really amazing. You must have a very physical job to be able to do that." The man replied, "Actually, I work for the IRS."

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